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How to spot a street scammer

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Nearly every scammer utilizes a large white sign with black lettering and emotional language. Purposeful misspellings evoke innocence.

Marks of a street con artist 

  • Emotional manipulation - Innocent children, women, animals, evocative music, and keywords such as "help" and "family."

  • Distress - Scammers claim to be in need of housing, food, health (e.g. surgery), or gas.

  • Mobile - Street gang members have the ability to quickly pack up and leave within seconds, often when police show up

  • Exploitation: Scam artists do not like competition and seek low-hanging fruit; they are often seen in small, kind-hearted communities that are "soft targets."

  • Out-of-state: Scam artists always have out-of-state license plates, often procured from rental cars that are never returned. (i.e. stolen)

  • Language barrier: Although they often speak English very well, they leverage a foreign language barrier (e.g. Romani Gypsy ethnicity) to avoid answering questions.

  • Money: Problems can be solved if they simply get more money


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Q. I've been scammed. What do I do?

A. Call 911 and file a report. This is the legal leverage communities need to discourage this brazen gang of street scammers.  Without your voice, they will continue to trick and con people--especially elderly people.

Q. I see scammers in my community. What do I do?

A. Call 911. Give as many details as possible, such as exploitation of children (usually they are nearby), vehicle license plate numbers, and photos. If you are capable enough to approach, be cautious.  They do not like being pressured or challenged and there have been occasions of resorting to violence.

Q. I have photos of scammers. Where can I post them? 

A. There is a growing scam-watch group on Facebook. Please share there:

Q. Who is responsible for this page? 

A. A diverse group of neighborhood watch advocates who care deeply for our communities. For direct contact information, you may reach out to the administration team via Messenger on the Facebook page.

Q. How can I support this page?

A. Continue to uplift our community by spreading the word and challenging thieves.

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Define: Street Scammer (n)
A person who willfully manipulates others into giving him or her money in exchange for seemingly honest motives.
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“A man dies when he refuses to stand up for what is right. A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice. A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true.”


— Martin Luther King

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“We ought never to do wrong when people are looking.”

— Mark Twain

A community member took this photo after suspecting they were scam artists. Immediately the community member was chased and attacked. Upon calling the police, the street scammers fled.
- Auburn, Washington

Anti-discrimination declaration: The administrative team is a compilation of multiple ethnicities, backgrounds, genders, and religious affiliations. The intent of this website is safety and awareness. We champion liberty, safety, integrity, and compassion. Countless reports of vulnerable populations who have been taken advantage of by street scammers should be enough for all communities to rise up and challenge these highly behaviors. Thank you for your support. 

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©2024 by Street Scammer Watch 

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